Scientific Name: Euphorbia hirta | English: Asthma weed| Sanskrit: Dugdhika| Hindi: Badadudhi| Bengali: Barokarni | Tamil: Ammam paccharisi | Marathi: Dudhi | Telugu: Nanabalu | Kannada: Achchedada | Malayalam: Nelapalai | Nepali: Ankhle jhaar
Medicinal Uses: For increasing production of Milk in lactating women, Infertility in men, Aphrodisiac, Antispasmodic, Antibacterial, Antiviral, For Dengue, Antifungal, Nail infections, Anthelmintic, Anti-inflammatory, Cardiac tonic, For Skin diseases, Leucoderma, Intestinal worms, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Dengue, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay fever, Eyelid sty, Swelling, Boils, Conjunctivitis, tumours, Wounds, Female disorders, Pimples, Gonorrhoea, Jaundice, Renal calculus- Kidney stones, Diuretic.
Parts used: Entire plant
Traditional uses:
1. Decoction of the leaves can be given in Dengue to help increase the platelet count.
2. For lactating mothers, to increase the flow of milk: Make a paste of the flower the size of a betel nut and take it along with a glass of milk for a week.
3. The paste of flowers, mixed with equal quantity of Phyllanthus niruri and taken with curds helps in alleviating infertility issues in men.
4. Paste of the leaves about half a tsp with Cows milk if given for 3 days will help alleviate inflammation, itching, liver issues besides helping clear the bowels.
5. As a facial pack: Paste of leaves with Gram flour is applied on face to help address scars and blemishes on the skin.
6. Apply the sap of Euphorbia hirta on warts to effect a healing.
7. A paste of equal quantities of leaves of Asthma weed, Phyllanthus niruri and well soaked fenugreek seeds is taken along with milk for helping address leucoderma.
Disclaimer: For the untrained eye, many plants appear similar. Do not attempt to harvest and use herbs until and unless you are familiar with herb identification and usage.
If you want to use any of the herbs mentioned on these blogs, please do so under the guidance of a doctor or a holistic practitioner. You can also write to us at feedback@prehealing.com for usage information specific to your issue.