As and when you are fighting a respiratory infection and you happen to see the numbers on pulse oximeter creep down from 99-95-90-87... this is a herb that will protect you from the negative effects of Hypoxia.
Scientific Name: Acalypha indica | English: Indian acalypha| Sanskrit: Aristamanjari, Haritamanjari| Hindi: Kuppikhokli| Bengali: Muktajhuri | Tamil: Kuppaimeni | Marathi: Khajota | Telugu: Kuppichettu | Kannada: Kuppigida | Malayalam: Kuppamani |
Medicinal Uses: As an Expectorant, For Asthma and Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Rheumatism, Mouth ulcers, gum problems, Purgative, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anthelmintic- Dispel intestinal worms, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-arthritic, Antimalarial, Antidiabetic, Antioxidant, Neuroprotective, Healing from a Stroke, Epilepsy, Headaches, Migraines, Cardiac health, Skin infections, Scabies, Bed sores, Scabies, Hair health, Protects liver ( Hepatoprotective), Prevents as well as Reverses Atherosclerosis, Helps rejuvenate the body.
Traditional uses:
1. 20 drops of leaf juice added to Lemon juice and taken as Sherbet, will help clear the bowels.
2. Leaf paste with turmeric is used to treat bed sores
3. Apply a paste of leaves with lime ( Calcium hydroxide) for painful stings of centipedes, honey bees or even scorpion. Calcium hydroxide can substituted with Salt and turmeric paste added to the leaf paste.
4. Leaf juice to which a pinch of salt is added is instilled in nose for severe stress related issues, depression, mania and other nervous disorders.
5. 1/4th tsp to ½ tsp of the leaf powder to help clear intestinal worms.
6. Heat Gingelly oil till it reaches the smoke point, then add the leaf powder, mix well and apply this to the knees: used for all joint pains
7. Powder of the leaves with rose water can be used as face pack to remove blemishes, blackheads, scars and to make the skin clear and glowing.
8. Add 1/4th tsp of powder to half a glass of lukewarm water and then rinse the mouth with this mixture. This will help heal cracked lips, mouth ulcers, foul breath as well as gum related issues.
9. Siddhas use this plant to help rejuvenate the body.
Other uses:
Can also be used for Dyeing fabric.
Disclaimer: For the untrained eye, many plants appear similar. Do not attempt to harvest and use herbs until and unless you are familiar with herb identification and usage.
If you want to use any of the herbs mentioned on these blogs, please do so under the guidance of a doctor or a holistic practitioner. You can also write to us at for usage information specific to your issue.